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All Natural Glass Cleaner Using Used Teabags



Tea time doesn’t need to end with your last sip! Check out this - that’s right, a clever trick to repurpose every bit of your tea experience. Home-care, and earth-care.



The tannins in black tea are a natural shining agent, so with just some used tea bags and water you can make your mirrors and windows sparkle. Feel free to toss that old, toxic glass cleaner you’ve been using. This recipe is a perfect use for the lot of tea bags after having a sip with a friend or two.

3-4 already steeped (used) black and green tea bags*
1-2 cups water (just off the boil)
Glass carafe or other vessel for steeping tea
Spray bottle
Microfiber or paper towels for wiping

*Must be a tea (not tisane) containing tannins in order to make your glass sparkle!

1. Bring water to a boil.
2. Add water to your tea bags and steep in a glass carafe for 5-10 minutes or until color is deep amber - just like it would be when you drink it. This doesn’t need to be very precise, we are just looking for some good concentration.
3. Remove teabags and let cool.
4. Using a plastic funnel, transfer tea from your carafe to your spray bottle.
Use spray in place of other glass/window cleaner and wipe off with microfiber cloth or paper towel. Keeps in your refrigerator for up to a week.

TIP: Your solution will be most effective if you make it from tea bags that are not totally dried out.

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